I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.

Richard Feynman


An Intuitive Explanation of Black–Scholes

I explain the Black–Scholes formula using only basic probability theory and calculus, with a focus on the big picture and intuition over technical details.

Simulating Geometric Brownian Motion

I work through a simple Python implementation of geometric Brownian motion and check it against the theoretical model.

Correlation and Hedging

A mean–variance optimizer will hedge correlated assets. I explain why and then work through a simple example.

The Greeks

In finance, the "Greeks" refer to the partial derivatives of an option pricing model with respect to its inputs. They are important for understanding how an option's price may change. I discuss the Black–Scholes Greeks in detail.

Deriving the VIX

The VIX is a benchmark for market-implied volatility. It is computed from a weighted average of variance swaps. I first derive the fair strike for a variance swap and then discuss the VIX's approximation of this formula.

Estimating ATM Option Prices

I work through a well-known approximation of the Black–Scholes price of at-the-money (ATM) options.

Proof the Binomial Model Converges to Black–Scholes

The binomial options-pricing model converges to Black–Scholes as the number of steps in fixed physical time goes to infinity. I present Chi-Cheng Hsia's 1983 proof of this result.

Binomial Options-Pricing Model

I present a simple yet useful model for pricing European-style options, called the binomial options-pricing model. It provides good intuition into pricing options without any advanced mathematics.

Carr–Madan Formula

In the options-pricing literature, the Carr–Madan formula equates a derivative's nonlinear payoff function with a portfolio of options. I describe and prove this relationship.

One-Period Binomial Model

The binomial options-pricing model is a numerical method for valuing options. I explore this model over a single time period and focus on two key ideas, the no-arbitrage condition and risk-neutral pricing.

The Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe ratio measures a financial strategy's performance as the ratio of its reward to its variability. I discuss this metric in detail, particularly its relationship to the information ratio and tt-statistics.

Square Root of Time Rule

A common heuristic for time-aggregating volatility is the square root of time rule. I discuss the big idea for this rule and then provide the mathematical assumptions underpinning it.

Factor Modeling in Finance

I discuss multi-factor modeling, which generalizes many early financial models into a common prediction and risk framework.

The Capital Asset Pricing Model

In finance, the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) was the first theory to measure systematic risk. The CAPM argues that there is a single type of risk, market risk. I derive the CAPM from the mean–variance framework of modern portfolio theory.

Returns and Log Returns

I discuss prices, returns, cumulative returns, and log returns, with a special focus on some nice mathematical properties of log returns.

Geometry of the Efficient Frontier

Some important financial ideas are encoded in the geometry of the efficient frontier, such as the tangency portfolio and the Sharpe ratio. The goal of this post is to re-derive these ideas geometrically, showing that they arise from the mean–variance analysis framework.

Visualizing Drawdown

Drawdown measures the decline of a time series variable from a historical peak. I explore visualizing and computing drawdown-based metrics.

Portfolio Theory: Why Diversification Matters

The casual investor knows that diversification matters. This intuition is grounded in the mathematics of modern portfolio theory. I define diversification and formalize how diversification helps maximize risk-adjusted returns.