The Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe ratio measures a financial strategy's performance as the ratio of its reward to its variability. I discuss this metric in detail, particularly its relationship to the information ratio and tt-statistics.

The Sharpe ratio, proposed by William Sharpe in (Sharpe, 1966) and (Sharpe, 1975), measures a financial strategy’s performance by quantifying its excess reward to its variability. Formally, let RsR_s be a random variable denoting the return of a given strategy, and let rfr_f denote the risk-free rate of return, or the return one might get through an approximately risk-free investment such as a high-quality bond. The differential return RdR_d, sometimes called the excess return or residual return, captures the performance of the active strategy relative to the risk-free rate:

RdRsrf.(1) R_d \triangleq R_s - r_f. \tag{1}

Let μd=E[Rd]\mu_d = \mathbb{E}[R_d] be the expectation of the differential return, and let σd=V[Rd]\sigma_d = \sqrt{\mathbb{V}[R_d]} denote the standard deviation of the differential return. Then the ex-ante Sharpe ratio SS is

Sμdσd.(2) S \triangleq \frac{\mu_d}{\sigma_d}. \tag{2}

If we have historic data, we can compute an ex-post Sharpe ratio using the standard estimators for μd\mu_d and σd\sigma_d:

μ^d=1Tt=1Trd(t),σ^d=1T1t=1T(rd(t)μ^d)2.(3) \begin{aligned} \hat{\mu}_d &= \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T r_d(t), \\ \hat{\sigma}_d &= \frac{1}{T-1} \sum_{t=1}^T \left( r_d(t) - \hat{\mu}_d \right)^2. \end{aligned} \tag{3}

Above, rd(t)r_d(t) denotes the realized (non-random) differential return at time period tt. The ex-ante or historic Sharpe ratio is

S^μ^dσ^d.(4) \hat{S} \triangleq \frac{\hat{\mu}_d}{\hat{\sigma}_d}. \tag{4}

I will not distinguish between ex-ante and ex-post Sharpe ratios except when the distinction is important.

Information ratio

Often, we are interested in the differential return of a strategy relative to a benchmark strategy with return RbR_b. This can be quantified using the information ratio (IR), which is the Sharpe ratio generalized by replacing the risk-free rate with the return of a benchmark strategy:

IR=E[RsRb]V[RsRb].(5) \text{IR} = \frac{\mathbb{E}[R_s - R_b]}{\sqrt{\mathbb{V}[R_s - R_b]}}. \tag{5}

Since the benchmark is often a market index (a passive investment), IR is often described as the ratio of active return to active risk. The denominator is sometimes referred to as the tracking error.

In my experience, Equation 55 is a common definition of IR. For example, this is how both (Grinold & Kahn, 2000) and Wikipedia define it. However, in (Sharpe, 1998), William Sharpe argues that the Sharpe ratio is this more general formulation, i.e. that it is the information ratio. This is not how the Sharpe ratio was discussed in (Sharpe, 1966). There, the Sharpe ratio was defined with respect to a risk-free asset. This makes sense, because William Sharpe derived the Sharpe ratio from the capital asset pricing model, particularly from the slope of the linear efficient frontier. He admits this later in (Sharpe, 1998), writing

Originally, the benchmark for the Sharpe Ratio was taken to be a riskless security. In such a case the differential return is equal to the excess return of the fund over a one-period riskless rate of interest.

Thus, I am adhering to Sharpe’s original paper for the definition of the Sharpe ratio and to (Grinold & Kahn, 2000) for the definition of information ratio.

I mention these issues not to litigate the history of the Sharpe ratio, but to underscore that the Sharpe ratio is often conflated for the information ratio, and this may happen because different sources use different definitions.

Time aggregation

Since the magnitude of the Sharpe ratio depends on the magnitude of the returns, the Sharpe ratio is time-dependent. We cannot naively compare the Sharpe ratio of a strategy that has traded for one hour to a strategy that has traded for one month. However, time aggregation can be easily-approximated, although not necessarily well-approximated, using the square-root-of-time rule.

Formally, let S1S_1 denote the Sharpe ratio for one time period of interest (e.g. one day), and let STS_T denote the Sharpe ratio after TT such periods (e.g. TT days). Then the square-root-of-time rule suggests

TS1ST.(6) \sqrt{T} S_1 \approx S_T. \tag{6}

This approximation is only as good as the underlying assumptions are true. If the returns of a strategy are correlated, for example, then the i.i.d. assumption of the square-root-of-time rule no longer holds.

A convention is to report the annualized Sharpe ratio. Imagine that we have two strategies, one resulting in daily returns and second resulting in hourly returns. We could compare them by scaling just one Sharpe ratio into the time scale of the other. However, it is useful to always work at the same time scale. Thus, we might convert the first strategy’s Sharpe ratio to an annualized Sharpe by multiplying it by 252\sqrt{252}, assuming 252252 trading days in a year, and then convert the second strategy’s Sharpe ratio to an annualized Sharpe by multiplying it by 24252\sqrt{24 \cdot 252}. This would allow for an “apples to apples” comparison of annualized Sharpe ratios.

Relationship to tt-statistics

Recall that a tt-statistic is the ratio of the deviation between an estimated parameter value and its hypothesized true value to its standard error. If we think of the parameter of interest as the differential mean μd\mu_d and if we hypothesize that the true value is zero, the tt-statistic for μd\mu_d is

tμ=μ^ds.e.(μ^d),(7) t_{\mu} = \frac{\hat{\mu}_d}{\text{s.e.}(\hat{\mu}_d)}, \tag{7}

where the standard error is

s.e.(μ^d)=σdT(8) \text{s.e.}(\hat{\mu}_d) = \frac{\sigma_d}{\sqrt{T}} \tag{8}

for a true standard deviation σd\sigma_d. Since σd\sigma_d is often unknown, we can replace it with the sample standard deviation, allowing us to express the tt-statistic as

tμ=T(μ^dσ^d).(9) t_{\mu} = \sqrt{T} \left( \frac{\hat{\mu}_d}{\hat{\sigma}_d} \right). \tag{9}

Thus, we can see that the ex-post Sharpe ratio (Equation 44) is equivalent to the tt-statistic for μd\mu_d up to scaling constant. In particular, the annualized ex-post Sharpe ratio is equivalent to the tt-statistic when the number of data points is equal to the number of trading days, i.e. when using daily returns.

  1. Sharpe, W. F. (1966). Mutual fund performance. The Journal of Business, 39(1), 119–138.
  2. Sharpe, W. F. (1975). Adjusting for risk in portfolio performance measurement. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 1(2), 29–34.
  3. Grinold, R. C., & Kahn, R. N. (2000). Active portfolio management.
  4. Sharpe, W. F. (1998). The sharpe ratio. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 169–185.