I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.
Richard FeynmanSimulating Geometric Brownian Motion
13 April 2024
I work through a simple Python implementation of geometric Brownian motion and check it against the theoretical model.
117 September 2022
Principal component analyis (PCA) is a simple, fast, and elegant linear method for data analysis. I explore PCA in detail, first with pictures and intuition, then with linear algebra and detailed derivations, and finally with code.
2Scaling Factors for Hidden Markov Models
13 August 2022
Inference for hidden Markov models (HMMs) is numerically unstable. A standard approach to resolving this instability is to use scaling factors. I discuss this idea in detail.
303 March 2022
I discuss generalized least squares (GLS), which extends ordinary least squares by assuming heteroscedastic errors. I prove some basic properties of GLS, particularly that it is the best linear unbiased estimator, and work through a complete example.
408 February 2022
I discuss and prove the Gauss–Markov theorem, which states that under certain conditions, the least squares estimator is the minimum-variance linear unbiased estimator of the model parameters.
5Breusch–Pagan Test for Heteroscedasticity
31 January 2022
I discuss the Breusch–Pagan test, a simple hypothesis test for heteroscedasticity in linear models. I also implement the test in Python and demonstrate that it can detect heteroscedasticity in a toy example.
630 January 2022
The ordinary least squares estimator is inefficient when the homoscedasticity assumption does not hold. I provide a simple example of a nonsensical -statistic from data with heteroscedasticity and discuss why this happens in general.
7Consistency of the OLS Estimator
29 January 2022
A consistent estimator converges in probability to the true value. I discuss this idea in general and then prove that the ordinary least squares estimator is consistent.
806 January 2022
Autoregressive (AR) models represent random processes in which each observation is a linear function of some of its previous values, plus noise. I present the main ideas behind AR models, including when they are stationary and how to fit them with the Yule–Walker equations.
909 September 2021
When can we be confident in our estimated coefficients when using OLS? We typically use a -statistic to quantify whether an inferred coefficient was likely to have happened by chance. I discuss hypothesis testing and -statistics for OLS.
10Residual Sum of Squares in Terms of Pearson's Correlation
01 September 2021
I re-derive a relationship between the residual sum of squares in simple linear regresssion and Pearson's correlation coefficient.
11Sampling Distribution of the OLS Estimator
26 August 2021
I derive the mean and variance of the OLS estimator, as well as an unbiased estimator of the OLS estimator's variance. I then show that the OLS estimator is normally distributed if we assume the error terms are normally distributed.
12Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
25 August 2021
In simple linear regression, the slope parameter is a simple function of the correlation between the targets and predictors. I derive this result and discuss a few consequences.
1309 August 2021
In ordinary least squares, the coefficient of determination quantifies the variation in the dependent variables that can be explained by the model. However, this interpretation has a few assumptions which are worth understanding. I explore this metric and the assumptions in detail.
1412 July 2021
Multicollinearity is when two or more predictors are linearly dependent. This can impact the interpretability of a linear model's estimated coefficients. I discuss this phenomenon in detail.
15A Python Implementation of the Multivariate Skew Normal
29 December 2020
I needed a Python implementation of the multivariate skew normal. I wrote one based on SciPy's multivariate distributions module.
16For a project, I needed to compute the log PDF of a vector for multiple pairs of mean and variance parameters. I discuss a fast Python implementation.
17Inference for Hidden Markov Models
28 November 2020
Expectation–maximization for hidden Markov models is called the Baum–Welch algorithm, and it relies on the forward–backward algorithm for efficient computation. I review HMMs and then present these algorithms in detail.
1819 November 2020
The unscented transform, most commonly associated with the nonlinear Kalman filter, was proposed by Jeffrey Uhlmann to estimate a nonlinear transformation of a Gaussian. I illustrate the main idea.
1909 February 2020
Normalizing vectors of log probabilities is a common task in statistical modeling, but it can result in under- or overflow when exponentiating large values. I discuss the log-sum-exp trick for resolving this issue.
2004 February 2020
I discuss Bayesian linear regression or classical linear regression with a prior on the parameters. Using a particular prior as an example, I provide intuition and detailed derivations for the full model.
2131 January 2020
We know that regularization is important for linear models, but what does overfitting mean in this context? I discuss this question.
22A Python Implementation of the Multivariate t-distribution
20 January 2020
I needed a fast and numerically stable Python implementation of the multivariate t-distribution. I wrote one based on SciPy's multivariate distributions module.
2304 January 2020
I discuss ordinary least squares or linear regression when the optimal coefficients minimize the residual sum of squares. I discuss various properties and interpretations of this classic model.
2410 November 2019
For many latent variable models, maximizing the complete log likelihood is easier than maximizing the log likelihood. The expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm leverages this fact to construct and optimize a tight lower bound. I rederive EM.
25Naively computing the probability density function for the multivariate normal can be slow and numerically unstable. I work through SciPy's implementation.
26Floating Point Precision with Log Likelihoods
18 January 2019
Computing the log likelihood is a common task in probabilistic machine learning, but it can easily under- or overflow. I discuss one such issue and its resolution.
27Woodbury Matrix Identity for Factor Analysis
30 November 2018
In factor analysis, the Woodbury matrix identity allows us to invert the covariance matrix of our data in time rather than time where and are the latent and data dimensions respectively. I explain and implement the technique.
28Probabilistic Canonical Correlation Analysis in Detail
10 September 2018
Probabilistic canonical correlation analysis is a reinterpretation of CCA as a latent variable model, which has benefits such as generative modeling, handling uncertainty, and composability. I define and derive its solution in detail.
2908 August 2018
Factor analysis is a statistical method for modeling high-dimensional data using a smaller number of latent variables. It is deeply related to other probabilistic models such as probabilistic PCA and probabilistic CCA. I define the model and how to fit it in detail.
30Canonical Correlation Analysis in Detail
17 July 2018
Canonical correlation analsyis is conceptually straightforward, but I want to define its objective and derive its solution in detail, both mathematically and programmatically.