I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.
Richard FeynmanThe ELBO in Variational Inference
16 April 2021
I derive the evidence lower bound (ELBO) in variational inference and explore its relationship to the objective in expectation–maximization and the variational autoencoder.
1Understanding Dirichlet–Multinomial Models
24 December 2020
The Dirichlet distribution is really a multivariate beta distribution. I discuss this connection and then derive the posterior, marginal likelihood, and posterior predictive distributions for Dirichlet–multinomial models.
2Conjugate Analysis for the Multivariate Gaussian
18 November 2020
I work through Bayesian parameter estimation of the mean for the multivariate Gaussian.
3From Entropy Search to Predictive Entropy Search
28 October 2020
In Bayesian optimization, a popular acquisition function is predictive entropy search, which is a clever reframing of another acquisition function, entropy search. I rederive the connection and explain why this reframing is useful.
4A Unifying Review of EM for Gaussian Latent Factor Models
25 October 2020
The expectation–maximization (EM) updates for several Gaussian latent factor models (factor analysis, probabilistic principal component analysis, probabilistic canonical correlation analysis, and inter-battery factor analysis) are closely related. I explore these relationships in detail.
5Implementing Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection
20 October 2020
I annotate my Python implementation of the framework in Adams and MacKay's 2007 paper, "Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection".
6Bayesian Inference for Beta–Bernoulli Models
19 August 2020
I derive the posterior, marginal likelihood, and posterior predictive distributions for beta–Bernoulli models.
7Gaussian Process Dynamical Models
24 July 2020
Wang and Fleet's 2008 paper, "Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Human Motion", introduces a Gaussian process latent variable model with Gaussian process latent dynamics. I discuss this paper in detail.
8From Probabilistic PCA to the GPLVM
14 July 2020
A Gaussian process latent variable model (GPLVM) can be viewed as a generalization of probabilistic principal component analysis (PCA) in which the latent maps are Gaussian-process distributed. I discuss this relationship.
905 July 2020
The physics of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, part 3: In the final post in this series, I discuss Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, building off previous discussions of the Euler–Lagrange equation and Hamiltonian dynamics.
10Gaussian Processes with Multinomial Observations
03 July 2020
Linderman, Johnson, and Adam's 2015 paper, "Dependent multinomial models made easy: Stick-breaking with the Pólya-gamma augmentation", introduces a Gibbs sampler for Gaussian processes with multinomial observations. I discuss this model in detail.
11Following Linderman, Johnson, and Adam's 2015 paper, "Dependent multinomial models made easy: Stick-breaking with the Pólya-gamma augmentation", I show that a multinomial density can be represented as a product of binomial densities.
12Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics
14 June 2020
The physics of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, part 2: Building off the Euler–Lagrange equation, I discuss Lagrangian mechanics, the principle of stationary action, and Hamilton's equations.
1310 May 2020
The physics of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, part 1: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics are based on the principle of stationary action, formalized by the calculus of variations and the Euler–Lagrange equation. I discuss this result.
14Gibbs Sampling Is a Special Case of Metropolis–Hastings
23 February 2020
Gibbs sampling is a computationally convenient Bayesian inference algorithm that is a special case of the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. I discuss Gibbs sampling in the broader context of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.
1504 February 2020
I discuss Bayesian linear regression or classical linear regression with a prior on the parameters. Using a particular prior as an example, I provide intuition and detailed derivations for the full model.
16Comparing Kernel Ridge with Gaussian Process Regression
06 January 2020
The posterior mean from a Gaussian process regressor is related to the prediction of a kernel ridge regressor. I explore this connection in detail.
1710 November 2019
For many latent variable models, maximizing the complete log likelihood is easier than maximizing the log likelihood. The expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm leverages this fact to construct and optimize a tight lower bound. I rederive EM.
1802 November 2019
Many authors introduce Metropolis–Hastings through its acceptance criteria without explaining why such a criteria allows us to sample from our target distribution. I provide a formal justification.
1920 September 2019
Bayesian inference for models with binomial likelihoods is hard, but in a 2013 paper, Nicholas Polson and his coauthors introduced a new method fast Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling. I discuss their main results in detail.
20A Poisson–Gamma Mixture Is Negative-Binomially Distributed
16 September 2019
We can view the negative binomial distribution as a Poisson distribution with a gamma prior on the rate parameter. I work through this derivation in detail.
21A Practical Implementation of Gaussian Process Regression
12 September 2019
I discuss Rasmussen and Williams's Algorithm 2.1 for an efficient implementation of Gaussian process regression.
22Sampling: Two Basic Algorithms
01 September 2019
Numerical sampling uses randomized algorithms to sample from and estimate properties of distributions. I explain two basic sampling algorithms, rejection sampling and importance sampling.
23Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection
13 August 2019
Adams and MacKay's 2007 paper, "Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection", introduces a modular Bayesian framework for online estimation of changes in the generative parameters of sequential data. I discuss this paper in detail.
24Gaussian Process Regression with Code Snippets
27 June 2019
The definition of a Gaussian process is fairly abstract: it is an infinite collection of random variables, any finite number of which are jointly Gaussian. I work through this definition with an example and provide several complete code snippets.
2508 May 2019
Laplace's method is used to approximate a distribution with a Gaussian. I explain the technique in general and work through an exercise by David MacKay.
26Bayesian Inference for the Gaussian
04 April 2019
I work through several cases of Bayesian parameter estimation of Gaussian models.
2719 March 2019
Probability distributions that are members of the exponential family have mathematically convenient properties for Bayesian inference. I provide the general form, work through several examples, and discuss several important properties.
28Conjugacy in Bayesian Inference
16 March 2019
Conjugacy is an important property in exact Bayesian inference. I work though Bishop's example of a beta conjugate prior for the binomial distribution and explore why conjugacy is useful.