I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.
Richard Feynman08 March 2025
I work through a standard proof of the de Moivre–Laplace theorem, which is the earliest version of the central limit theorem.
1Approximating Stirling's Approximation
06 March 2025
How did early mathematicians discover Stirling's approximation, a seemingly non-obvious relationship between factorials, exponents, , and ? I provide some plausible reasoning.
2Expectation of the Truncated Lognormal Distribution
18 August 2024
I derive the expected value of a random variable that is left-truncated and lognormally distributed.
304 January 2024
In probability theory, Bienaymé's identity is a formula for the variance of random variables which are themselves sums of random variables. I provide a little intuition for the identity and then prove it.
417 December 2023
I derive some basic properties of the lognormal distribution.
509 December 2023
A useful view of a covariance matrix is that it is a natural generalization of variance to higher dimensions. I explore this idea.
604 June 2022
I discuss moving or rolling averages, which are algorithms to compute means over different subsets of sequential data.
708 February 2022
I discuss and prove the Gauss–Markov theorem, which states that under certain conditions, the least squares estimator is the minimum-variance linear unbiased estimator of the model parameters.
8Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals
16 February 2021
How do we know when a parameter estimate from a random sample is significant? I discuss the use of standard errors and confidence intervals to answer this question.
9A Python Demonstration that Mutual Information Is Symmetric
11 November 2020
I provide a numerical demonstration that the mutual information of two random variables, the observations and latent variables in a Gaussian mixture model, is symmetric.
10Proof that Mutual Information Is Symmetric
10 November 2020
The mutual information (MI) of two random variables quantifies how much information (in bits or nats) is obtained about one random variable by observing the other. I discuss MI and show it is symmetric.
1101 September 2020
I derive the entropy for the univariate and multivariate Gaussian distributions.
1211 April 2020
Why are a distribution's moments called "moments"? How does the equation for a moment capture the shape of a distribution? Why do we typically only study four moments? I explore these and other questions in detail.
13Asymptotic Normality of Maximum Likelihood Estimators
28 November 2019
Under certain regularity conditions, maximum likelihood estimators are "asymptotically efficient", meaning that they achieve the Cramér–Rao lower bound in the limit. I discuss this result.
14Proof of the Cramér–Rao Lower Bound
27 November 2019
The Cramér–Rao lower bound allows us to derive uniformly minimum–variance unbiased estimators by finding unbiased estimators that achieve this bound. I derive the main result.
1521 November 2019
I document several properties of the Fisher information or the variance of the derivative of the log likelihood.
16Proof of the Rao–Blackwell Theorem
15 November 2019
I walk the reader through a proof the Rao–Blackwell Theorem.
17Proof of the Law of Total Expectation
14 November 2019
I discuss a straightforward proof of the law of total expectation with three standard assumptions.
18Interpreting Expectations and Medians as Minimizers
04 October 2019
I show how several properties of the distribution of a random variable—the expectation, conditional expectation, and median—can be viewed as solutions to optimization problems.
1919 March 2019
Probability distributions that are members of the exponential family have mathematically convenient properties for Bayesian inference. I provide the general form, work through several examples, and discuss several important properties.
20Random Noise and the Central Limit Theorem
01 February 2019
Many probabilistic models assume random noise is Gaussian distributed. I explain at least part of the motivation for this, which is grounded in the Central Limit Theorem.
21The KL Divergence: From Information to Density Estimation
22 January 2019
The KL divergence, also known as "relative entropy", is a commonly used metric for density estimation. I re-derive the relationships between probabilities, entropy, and relative entropy for quantifying similarity between distributions.
2211 January 2019
Bessel's correction is the division of the sample variance by rather than . I walk the reader through a quick proof that this correction results in an unbiased estimator of the population variance.