The prime factorization of 999999 is interesting. It is:
We can use this to find the repeating decimal representation of some common
fractions. To see this, first note that we can write the reciprocal of 999999 as
Using this fact, here is the decimal representation of 1/7:
Clearly, this idea works for any factor of 999999. In the case of the prime
factors above, we have:
And of course, this idea works for non-prime factors. For example:
The repeated number in the decimal, e.g. 142857, is called the repetend or
reptend. In the case of 1/7, the repetend is actually a cyclic
number, and
therefore we can easily compute other fractions such as 3/7 by simply rotating
the digits in the repetend appropriately, e.g.,
Furthermore, this gives us a nice trick to compute repeating decimals when the
denominator is a multiple of seven, such as
Basically, you have to do some long-division in your head, but the moment you
get a remainder you recognize, you’re essentially done.
For 1/11, note that we can use our nines times table to easily compute other
fractions repetends, such as
Of course, we are only scratching the mathematical surface here. A proper
generalization for why this works lies in number theory. But I just wanted to
document for myself this simple case, since it justifies some common rules used
when computing fractions.
Prime factorization
One might ask: how could we compute the prime factorization of 999999 “by
hand”? The way I was taught was to observe that
and to then brute-force 1001, which isn’t too hard since we only have to check
odd numbers up to roughly 32. But a more elegant way in my mind is to
use the difference of two
and the sum of two
Using times tables and basic divisibility rules, e.g. 999 and 111 are
clearly divisible by three, we can easily factorize the remaining terms. I took
this idea from here.