Exponential Decay
Many phenomena can be modeled as exponential decay. I discuss this model in detail, focusing on natural exponential decay (base ) and various useful properties.
A quantity exhibits exponential decay if it decreases at a rate proportional to its current value. Formally, a quantity decays exponentially if
where is the initial quantity and is the rate of decay. To simplify and focus the discussion, this post will focus on exponential decay. However, exponential growth, when a quantity increases at a rate proportional to its current value, is formalized by Equation when is replaced with and . Here, is the rate of growth.
For an example of exponential decay, let and . Then begins with an initial value of and then decreases by half of its current value for each integer increment of :
Of course, need not be an integer. For example, in the current example. See Figure for exponential decay for several rates and .

Natural exponential decay
Equation with an integer-valued is probably how a teacher would explain exponential decay to children. However, beyond an introductory level, exponential decay or growth is conventionally expressed in terms of Euler’s number and a decay parameter :
Here, controls how fast decays (Figure ). This formulation is sometimes referred to as a natural exponential function, the counterpart to the natural logarithm . (We will see why this formulation is “natural” in a moment.)

We can easily switch between these two parameterizations:
We can plot this relationship (Figure ) to better understand it. So as , the rate of decay, increases, the decay parameter also increases.

Why is the mathematical constant used in so-called natural exponential decay? According to Wikipedia, the constant was discovered by Jacob Bernoulli in 1683, when studying compound interest (exponential growth). Thus, arose from understanding exponential functions.
Here is the problem Bernoulli was thinking about. Imagine that you had of some currency, say USD, in an account that pays interest per year. Then after one year, you would have or USD. Now imagine that interest compounds once every half-year but paid interest per period. Then after two half-years, you would have or USD. Now imagine that interest compounds once every quarter-year but paid interest per period. Then after four quarter-years, you would have or approximately USD.
The question Bernoulli asked was: what happens when interest compounds continuously? This question is particularly interesting because so many physical systems and phenomena grow or decay in a continuous manner. For example, a cell might split into two cells in a given time period, but the process is not discrete. In reality, the cell is not a single cell and then, in an instant, two cells. Instead, it is continuous, with growth upon growth. (This YouTube video has an excellent visualization of what I mean here.)
Let’s formalize this. Let be the number of periods, and be the interest rate per period. We want to compute the limit as approaches infinity. What Bernoulli observed is that this limit is equal to a constant, which is conventionally denoted :
Thus, with continuous compounding, the amount of money after one year is . While I won’t prove Equation , it is easy and useful to visualize it (Figure ).

So what is ? Like , is a transcendental number, and approximations of it have improved over the centuries. Here are the first digits of :
So this is one way to think about exponential decay (and growth) of base , and why it is considered a natural formulation: simply emerges when we compute exponential growth continuously.
It’s worth spending another moment to think about this. Why should the initial rate of growth (the rate of growth that Bernoulli considered) be , meaning a doubling every year? One argument is that doubling is the most “natural” rate of growth, since the quantity is always increasing by its current amount. Of course, we could imagine a rate of growth of or . However, unity is elegant and simplifies the derivations. Furthermore, we can simply generalize the definition of in Equation to account for any arbitrary growth rate :
See this Wikipedia page for details. This gives us a nice interpretation of the decay parameter in Equation : it is rate of decay when that decay is continuous! See Figure for some examples.

In my mind, Equation and Figure really capture why exponential decay and growth are naturally base . With exponential growth, Euler’s number represents the total amount of the quantity if it continuously grows by doubling. With exponential decay, the inverse of Euler’s number () represents the remaining amount of the quantity if it continuously decays by halving. And we can easily model faster or slower rates of growth or decay by changing .
A common way to think about exponential decay is in terms of the decaying quantity’s halflife, which quantifies how fast the decay is occurring. The halflife is the time required for the decaying quantity to be reduced to half its initial value. Here, represents time, and the halflife is the value of , call this , such that
We can easily solve for :
See Figure for a new version of Figure with the halflives denoted with vertical lines. As we can see, there is a one-to-one relationship between the decay parameter and the halflife. The halflife is nice because it is pretty intuitive. If we know that a process has a halflife of , for example, we know that it will decay to half its initial value in time periods.

We can also express exponential decay in terms of the halflife parameter, by plugging in into Equation .
We can see that when , Equation is equal to . When , then Equation has less than and when , it has more than .
Mean lifetime
So far, we have thought about exponential decay as a function. However, we can also think of exponential decay as a probabilistic model. This interpretation adds a lot of intuition for how exponential decay behaves in the wild, e.g. how a nucleus with many particles decays.
Here is the idea. Imagine a hundred people are in a room together, and each person has a fair coin. Every minute, everyone in the room flips their coin. If a person’s coin comes up heads with probability , they must leave the room. Otherwise, they stay. This experiment simulates exponential decay with a halflife of one, where the decaying quantity is the number of people in the room (Figure ).

What’s the probabilistic model here? Let be a random variable, denoting how long person remains in the room. We assume each person has a coin with the same bias , and that all the coin flips, across time and individuals, are independent of each other. So the probability that takes on a value —this represents the probability that person remains in the room until time —must be
This is the probability that person ’s coin landed on tails (with probability ) for trials before landing on heads (with probability ). Clearly, is geometrically distributed. And the continuous analog to the geometric distribution is the exponential distribution. So if person were to continuously flip their coin, then would be exponentially distributed with density function
The distribution defined by Equation is exponential decay with an initial value , where is the initial amount such that the total area under the curve is unity. See A1 for the derivation of the normalizing constant . Furthermore, we know that the expected value of an exponential random variable with parameter is
See A2 for a derivation. And this expectation can be viewed as the mean lifetime of all the people in the room.
Mean lifetime is interesting in a few ways. First, it immediately suggests yet another way to think about the decay rate . If , for example, then the mean lifetime is . So as decreases, the expected lifetime increases (for an element in a set with elements).
Second, if we plug into Equation , something fascinating happens. We find that the mean lifetime occurs when the initial quantity has decayed to of its value! Let denote the mean lifetime. Then
So the halflife is the value such that the initial quantity has decayed to half of its value, while the mean lifetime is the value such that the initial quantity has decayed to of its value (approximately ). This is yet another reason why exponential decay with base is considered special or natural.

See Figure for examples of both halflife and mean lifetime for various exponentially decaying functions. Note that while halflife and mean lifetime are approximately the same value when is large, this is not true when is small. This is because as a process decays more slowly, the difference in time when it achieves of its value and of its value becomes bigger and bigger.
Imagine that we do not know the decay parameter (or or ), but that we have observed two values and , at time points and , of a quantity that we assume follows exponential decay. Then we can solve for (and thus and ) directly. First, we can write the ratio of and as
Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we can simplify for :
Thus, if we know that a process decays exponentially, then we can estimate the decay parameter with only two data points. This is one of the useful properties of exponential decay. Not only does it capture a lot of physical phenomena, it does so with only a single parameter that can be easily estimated.
A final reason (that I’ll mention) exponential decay with base is nice is because the derivative of the exponential function is simply :
This makes both derivatives and anti-derivatives relatively easy. One useful operation that is relatively easy to compute is the total amount of the decayed property between two time points, which is minus the total area under the curve until some time point (Figure ).

In general, the integral between any two points and is
This integral simplifies nicely if or . If , then Equation is
And if , then Equation is
Either way, the point is that computing these integrals is relatively straightforward, and effectively amounts to a difference in exponential terms, properly scaled.
A1. Exponential distribution’s normalizing constant
We want to solve for the normalizing constant here:
Since we can easily take the anti-derivative (and derivative) of , we can easily integrate this to solve for :
And we’re done.
A2. Mean of exponential distribution
We want to compute the expectation
We first plug in the exponential distribution’s density function to get
We can solve this by integration by parts. Define , , , and as
Then we can use the formula for integration by parts,
which gives us
If it’s not clear why
simply rewrite this as
and apply L’Hôpital’s rule.