Lagrange Polynomials

In numerical analysis, the Lagrange polynomial is the polynomial of least degree that exactly coincides with a set of data points. I provide the geometric intuition and proof of correctness for this idea.

In numerical analysis, given a set of data points {(xn,yn)}n=1N\{(x_n, y_n)\}_{n=1}^{N} where each xnx_n is unique, a Lagrange polynomial (Waring, 1779) is a polynomial of lowest degree that “fits” these data in the sense that the polynomial passes through each point (xn,yn)(x_n, y_n). As we will see, the geometric intuition is elegant and the proof of correctness is straightforward. Formally, the Lagrange polynomial is

L(x)n=1Nynn(x)(1) L(x) \triangleq \sum_{n=1}^{N} y_n \ell_n(x) \tag{1}

where each term n\ell_n is called a basis polynomial,

n(x)0mN  mn(xxmxjxm). \ell_n(x) \triangleq \prod_{0 \leq m \leq N \\ \;m \neq n} \Big( \frac{x - x_m}{x_j - x_m} \Big).

There is a lot of notation to unpack, but the geometric intuition is quite simple (Figure 11). The Lagrange polynomial L(x)L(x) passes through each point because each of the NN scaled basis polynomials passes through precisely one of the NN points while “zeroing out” at the other points.

Figure 1. An example Lagrange polynomial for {(8,1),(3,2),(1,2),(7,5)}\{(-8, -1), (-3, 2), (1, -2), (7, 5)\}. The red dashed horizontal line y=0y = 0 illustrates how each scaled basis polynomial attains zero for N1N - 1 data points.

To show the correctness of L(x)L(x), consider the kkth basis polynomial on data point xnx_n:

k(xn)=0mN  mk(xnxmxkxm). \ell_k(x_n) = \prod_{0 \leq m \leq N \\ \;m \neq k} \Big( \frac{x_n - x_m}{x_k - x_m} \Big).

If k=nk = n, then each term in the product is one and k(xn)=1\ell_k(x_n) = 1. If knk \neq n, then one term in the product is zero, the term in which xm=xnx_m = x_n. Since knk \neq n, the exclusion mkm \neq k does not prevent m=nm = n. Put differently, n(xn)=1\ell_n(x_n) = 1, and k(xn)=0\ell_k(x_n) = 0 provided knk \neq n. Finally, notice in Equation 11 that each basis polynomial is scaled by its associated yny_n.

Why is the Lagrange polynomial the one of least degree that fits NN points? To fit NN points exactly, we need a polynomial of at most degree N1N-1. Think about it for small NN. If N=2N = 2, we need a line. If N=3N = 3, we may need a curve. And so forth. Of course, N1N-1 is the maximum needed degree. For example, three points could form a line in N=3N = 3. The Lagrange polynomial has NN basis polynomials, each of which has degree N1N-1 because each is the product of N1N-1 terms with a single xx. So L(x)L(x), the sum of NN polynomials of degree N1N-1, must have degree at most N1N-1.

Here is the Python implementation that I used to generate Figure 11:

import numpy as np

class LagrangePoly:

    def __init__(self, X, Y):
        self.n = len(X)
        self.X = np.array(X)
        self.Y = np.array(Y)

    def _basis(self, x, j):
        b = [(x - self.X[m]) / (self.X[j] - self.X[m])
             for m in range(self.n) if m != j]
        return, axis=0)

    def scaled_basis(self, x, j):
        return self._basis(x, j) * self.Y[j]

    def interpolate(self, x):
        b = [self.scaled_basis(x, j) for j in range(self.n)]
        return np.sum(b, axis=0)
  1. Waring, E. (1779). VII. Problems concerning interpolations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 69, 59–67.